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To meet growing demand across Europe for businesses to deliver carbon-neutral fleets, Fleet Logistics Group is offering a 10-point guide to successfully going down an electric route.
During the Coronavirus crisis, advice on maintaining continuity, reducing operating costs and, above all else, keeping drivers safe, will be crucial to all fleets.
Within Fleet Logistics Group, we believe that taking care of people’s health is vital at all times and not just during the special situation we all find ourselves in at the moment. That was the message from Chief Sales Officer, Oliver Stockhecke, in a special announcement.
Fleet operators are seeing real benefits from the use of Fleet Logistics’ matrix lease pricing solution, including no end-of-contract charges or contract re-calculations, complete transparency, improved cash flow and potential savings over the life of a vehicle.
The European new car market could expect a U-shaped recovery after being hit hard by the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak in March, according to the latest global sales data compiled by JATO Dynamics.